Space discovery

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is an agency responsible for the space program and research.
Scroll down to discover some information from the NASA, as astronomy pictures, objects near the earth at a given date or exoplanets that we already know.

Astronomy picture of the day

Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
It's provided by NASA and Michigan Technology University since June 16, 1995.
You can select a date below between June 16, 1995 and today. Before this date, no picture will be displayed.

Last Weather on Mars

NASA's InSight Mars lander used to take weather measurements (temperature, wind, pressure) on the surface of Mars at Elysium Planitia, a flat, smooth plain near Mars' equator.
Unfortunately, NASA's Insight Mission ended in January 2023, but the Perseverance Rover still collects data from Mars at the Jezero Crater.
Discover these data and the current weather on Mars. Spoiler : it's very cold !

Near Earth Objects

With Neo web service from NASA, you can search for Asteroids based on their closest approach date to Earth.